2013年11月3日 星期日

《王迪詩「寸嘴講」》(2nd Rerun)

因為幾喜歡王迪詩嘅文字同態度, 加上以前有好多評論講, 佢嘅talk show有幾獨特有幾寸, 所以想睇佢再做嘅《王迪詩「寸嘴講」》(2nd Rerun), 還要連睇"笑看職場" & "享受愛情" 兩場....... 我雖然一早知到此SHOW並非以娛樂行先, 但我期待可以聽到一d我未想到嘅觀點, 好可惜最後覺得佢嘅表達同觀點, 竟然沒有文章那麼好.....加上我早已在職場及情場成為"熟練技工", 似乎什麼也曾遇上過, 真是一點新鮮感也沒有。 似乎王迪詩都係留在文字世界比較好d!! 是次覺得佢最有TASTE嘅, 係播咗一首英文歌, 好聽亦有意思, 係我睇"享受愛情"時, 唯一覺得最有FEEL嘅時刻!! 你哋有機會都搵黎聽下啦!!

****Someone You Used to Know****

It was helpless anyway...

There's nothing much we could do or say
Darling don't you think it's a shame?
that it had to end this way

So here's to say goodbye,
our love is lost, and we cant figure why
maybe it really is about time
that we finally made up our minds

So Darling, here's to you
i hope that when you find someone new
that she would always be true to you
to love and understand you

Soon you'll build new memories
then slowly you'd forget about me
then i would slowly be
a distant memory

*Soon i'll just be
that someone you used to know
But darling you will thank me
for letting you go
time is not for wasting
i hope you'll find your intended
But i'm sorry
that your intended isn't me

it's not an easy thing
to shake off our history
i know that's what you want from me
but they will always stay with me

i admit i made mistakes
but darling with you it's just the same
if we stay there will be more to make
i dont know how much more we can take

Darling, it would be unfair
to stay with something no longer there
but it doesn't mean i no longer care
but i'd feel like a burden you can't bear

